I am a research fellow at the HPC-AI Lab, National University of Singapore, working with Prof. Yang YOU. I also collaborate closely with Prof. Atlas Wang and Prof.Konstantinos N. Plataniotis.
My doctoral thesis committee is composed of Professor Tat Seng CHUA, who serves as the Chair, as well as Professor Mike SHOU and Professor Yang YOU.
I received my M.S. degree in 2020 from MMLab@SIAT , supervised by Prof. Yu Qiao and Assoc. Prof. Xiaojiang Peng .
My research focuses on Parameter Generation and Efficient Machine Learning. I place an emphasis on exploring simple and baseline approaches to gain insights into the workings of deep learning. Until now, my top-5 publications are RPG (arXiv 2025), p-diff (arXiv 2024), PAB (ICLR-2025), CAFE (CVPR-2022), and InfoBatch (ICLR-2024 Oral).
💥 News: I am looking for talented individuals to join my research on Parameter Generation (work with professors and researchers from top universities and institutions). If you are interested, feel free to reach out!
(All talents are welcome to send an email to me if you are interested in collaborating on projects related to Data-Centric AI, Parameter Generation, or other promising research directions.)